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Empowering Transformation: The Multifaceted Benefits of a Life Coach Partnership

Jun 27, 2023

Whether you're climbing the corporate hierarchy or carving your own unique entrepreneurial path, there's a universal truth: We all could use a little help. To actualize your finest personal and professional life, thoughtful self-reflection and continuous personal advancement are a must. However, even at our peak, we are all prone to blind spots that obstruct our full understanding of our lives, including the thoughts, habits, and behaviors that restrain our growth. Our loved ones, despite their pure intentions, often miss the expertise to thoroughly assess and offer practical advice. So, who can provide unbiased judgment and wisdom? That's where a high-performance life coach, come into play.


Prosperous individuals don't attribute their growth to fate — they seize it. Life coaches represent the tools those pursuing personal and professional growth can use to take hold of their life's vision. Indeed, some of the world's most admired achievers, like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates, have publicly advocated for the advantages of coaching. Winfrey, a long-time client of coach Martha Beck, proclaimed, "Coaching helps you halt the incessant mental noise in your head that consistently tells you you're not good enough." Gates added, "Everyone needs a coach. We all need individuals who can provide us feedback. That's how we improve."


As a certified high-performance coach, I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from a life coach because there is an inherent power in having another professional reflect back what you say and perceive, with the goal to broaden your thinking, identify your blind spots, and facilitate self-discovery while assisting in initiating action.

Coaching is more than just delineating goals and monitoring progress. Through coaching, I support my clients through their changes and transformations, advocating for their excellence, brilliance, and potential. From feeling stalled in life to initiating creative ventures and career transitions, high-performance coaches, act as one partner in a two-person team committed to your evolution. Our primary aim is to help you pinpoint mental roadblocks and limiting beliefs, and to help you help yourself in defining and realizing a specific vision for your life. By cooperating on actionable steps, together, we move beyond mindset to create actions and practices that shift your life from idle to dynamic. The practice and impact of life coaching have been extensively studied and recognized in various fields, from psychology and business to education.

A 2013 study by The International Coaching Federation revealed that 99% of individuals who employed a life coach reported being satisfied with the experience. Additionally, 96% stated they would repeat the process, indicating the perceived value and benefit of life coaching services. Respondents reported improved self-confidence, better relationships, more effective communication skills, and improved work-life balance among the top benefits

In the realm of business, a study in the Journal of Management Development found that life coaching led to improvements in work performance, time management, and team effectiveness. Additionally, a study in the Personnel Psychology journal reported that executive coaching resulted in increased goal attainment, resilience, workplace well-being, and decreased stress and anxiety.

Moreover, in the educational sector, coaching has also proven beneficial. A study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology found that coaching could help students develop skills to manage their time and goals more effectively. These research findings reflect the multi-faceted benefits of life coaching and serve to reinforce the notion that coaching isn't merely about addressing a single area of life. Instead, it's about creating holistic change, developing self-awareness, enhancing performance, improving relationships, achieving goals, and creating a sense of balance and fulfillment in life. This is exactly what I strive to do as a life coach: empower individuals to make positive changes in all areas of their lives and help them navigate through challenges to reach their full potential.

As explained by Elizabeth Arboleda, a certified life coach and licensed professional counselor, "Everyone requires a life coach because there is potency in another person, a professional, reflecting back at you what you express and perceive to expand your thinking, identify your blind spots, facilitate self-discovery and assist you in initiating action." Coaching is more than just formulating goals and tracking progress: "Through coaching, I assist my clients through their shifts and transformations, standing as an advocate for their excellence, brilliance, and potential."

Whether you're climbing the corporate hierarchy or carving your own unique entrepreneurial path, there's a universal truth: We all could use a little help. To actualize your finest personal and professional life, thoughtful self-reflection and continuous personal advancement are a must. However, even at our peak, we are all prone to blind spots that obstruct our full understanding of our lives, including the thoughts, habits, and behaviors that restrain our growth. Our loved ones, despite their pure intentions, often miss the expertise to thoroughly assess and offer practical advice. So, who can provide unbiased judgment and wisdom? That's where I, as a life coach, come into play.

Prosperous individuals don't attribute their growth to fate — they seize it. As a life coach, I represent the tools those pursuing personal and professional growth can use to take hold of their life's vision. Indeed, some of the world's most admired achievers, like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates, have publicly advocated for the advantages of coaching. Winfrey, a long-time client of coach Martha Beck, proclaimed, "Coaching helps you halt the incessant mental noise in your head that consistently tells you you're not good enough." Gates added, "Everyone needs a coach. We all need individuals who can provide us feedback. That's how we improve."

As a certified life coach and licensed professional counselor, I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from a life coach because there is an inherent power in having another professional reflect what you say and perceive, with the goal to broaden your thinking, identify your blind spots, and facilitate self-discovery while assisting in initiating action.

Coaching is more than just delineating goals and monitoring progress. Through coaching, I support my clients through their changes and transformations, advocating for their excellence, brilliance, and potential. From feeling stalled in life to initiating creative ventures and career transitions, as a life coach, I act as one partner in a two-person team committed to your evolution. While some coaches like me may provide therapeutic services to help you pinpoint mental roadblocks and limiting beliefs, my primary aim is to help you help yourself in defining and realizing a specific vision for your life. By cooperating on actionable steps, together, we move beyond mindset to create actions and practices that shift your life from idle to dynamic.

Below, I will highlight three specific ways high-performance coaches can amplify your life: Identifying and Prioritizing Goals: For many, the issue isn't a lack of ambition but a lack of clarity. We often get tangled in the daily grind, chasing a second-hand vision of success rather than one crafted with care and intention. Life coaches assist you in making a deep connection with yourself, enabling you to design and create a life that matches your own standards. Through this connection, you can choose what balance means for you and what you want to empower in your life.

Nurturing and Transitioning to a New Identity: Beyond specific goals and projects, life coaches provide substantial support during times of significant transition. Changes can be challenging because they dispute the narratives, we've formed for ourselves. With our help, you can reinterpret your personal story in a way that prepares you for an empowering and exciting new chapter.

Support and Collaboration: One of the most fundamental elements of support life coaches offer is— a pillar of strength and reassurance that fosters a sense of security and encouragement as you navigate your personal journey. It's essential to understand, though, that this support doesn't involve merely pacifying or coddling. It's a form of compassionate challenge, guiding you to set ambitious yet achievable goals and encouraging you to pursue them with courage, conviction, and self-accountability.

Building Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is a vital aspect of both personal and professional success. It involves the ability to understand and manage our own emotions and to empathize with and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. Yet, emotional intelligence is often overlooked, and many of us struggle to navigate our emotional landscape effectively. Research shows that emotional intelligence is linked to various positive outcomes. A 2017 meta-analysis published in the journal Emotion found that high emotional intelligence is associated with better mental health, more positive relationships, and greater job performance. This suggests that enhancing emotional intelligence can significantly amplify your life in multiple ways.

In conclusion, the journey to personal and professional growth is a winding and often challenging path. We all have blind spots that hinder our self-awareness and progression. While our loved ones often support us, they may not always be equipped to provide objective, actionable advice. This is where a life coach steps in. High-performance coaches are a catalyst for change, a partner for growth, and an unwavering supporter.

Are you ready for TRANSFORMATION? Dzigbordi K. Dosoo: The H.E.L.P. Coach Dzigbordi K. Dosoo is a Soft Skills Expert, Personal Impact, Professional Growth and Influence Expert specializing in Humanness, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Power – H.E.L.P. A career spanning over two decades, she has established herself as a Certified High Performance Coach, Speaker, Author, Wellness Expert and award-winning Entrepreneur with a clientele ranging from C-Suite Executives, Senior Management, Practitioners and Sales Leaders spanning 3 continents. She is the Soft Skills Expert and Founder of Dzigbordi K. Dosoo (DKD) Holdings; a premier lifestyle business group with brand subsidiaries that include Dzigbordi Consulting Group& Allure Africa. Dzigbordi has been featured on CNN for her entrepreneurial expertise. She is one of the most decorated female entrepreneurs in Ghana having being named “CIMG Marketing Woman of the Year” in 2009; “Top 10 most respected CEOs in Ghana, 2012; Global Heart of Leadership Award and, Women Rising “100 Most Influential Ghanaian Women”, 2017


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